Installation...of the command line programsIn addition to he requires the JPEG, TIFF and PNG shared libraries Download the Panorama Tools package from Helmut Dersch's website or one of the mirrors, here or here. he requires the JPEG, TIFF and PNG shared libraries On the command line you can use wget to retrieve the package: peter@debian:~$ wget http://www.fh-furtwangen.de/~dersch/PanoTools.tar.gz Unpack the file using the command debian:/usr/local# tar -xzvf PanoTools.tar.gz debian:/usr/local/PTLinux/Helpers# chmod 755 PTStitcher debian:/usr/local/PTLinux/Helpers# ./PTStitcher ./PTStitcher: error while loading shared libraries: libpano12.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory debian:/usr/local/PTLinux/helpers# ldd PTStitcher
This will create a directory named 'PTLinux'. Besides java programs
ptpicker, pteditor and ptcryt, which will be
discussed in the next section, it contains a the shared library
libpano12.so, providing most of the functionality of PanoTools.
The Subdirectory 'Helpers' contains the actual programs.
Fig. 1: File /etc/ld.so.conf debian:/home/peter/PTLinux/Helpers# ldd PTStitcher
libpano13.so => /usr/local/lib/libpano12.so (0x40021000) Using the Java Frontendshttp://java.sun.com http://www.blackdown.org/
Fig. 2: File ~/bin/ptpicker PTViewer, native Versionpeter@debian:~$ wget http://www.fh-furtwangen.de/~dersch/PTViewer.tar.gz peter@debian:~$ mkdir PTViewer peter@debian:~/PTViewer$ tar -xzvf PTViewer.tar.gz debian:/home/peter/PTViewer/src# mv PTViewer /usr/local/bin/. |